‘Botox’ is short for ‘Botulinum toxin’ and is a kind of protein. Botox is produced by the bacterium called ‘Clostridium botulinum’. Botox has been used by medical practitioners and cosmetologists for its varied uses in treating skin problems like ageing and dull skin. It is very important to control the amount of Botox protein to be used for medicinal purposes, as an overdose can lead to a risk of diseases and infections.
Some of the medicinal uses of Botox are for curing recurring muscle spasms, chronic migraines, excess sweat production, and other muscular ailments. Severe muscle problems like paralysis and stroke can also be made better with the controlled usage of Botox over a period of time. The most popular benefit of Botox is in the field of cosmetic surgeries and medicine. It is considered to be safe for reducing fine lines, age spots, wrinkles and other related signs of ageing.
Botox protein is generally administered by the use of injections at the specific problem area of the patient. This could be the face, or arms or neck etc. Tiny amounts of Botox are injected into the muscles, to effect treatment. The injections’ duration and frequency is decided by the medical practitioner concerned based on each specific case to be treated.
Botox injections are administered every few months to give the best results. However, over usage of Botox can prove harmful and lead to damage at the treated area. Two to three sittings for complex cases; or a single sitting for minor cases are deemed adequate mostly.
As Botox is essentially a protein type, its quantity administered matters a lot for treatment of skin and muscle problems. Side effects from the procedure could be muscle pain and stiffness, difficulty in swallowing food and drink, reduced vision, headache, fatigue and weakening of muscles at the treated area.
A downtime of 24 hours is suggested for heavy and exertive activities after a Botox session. Regular light activities can be started immediately and no downtime is required. Results of a single sitting last for about 4 months.
Botox as a treatment option for curing ageing had been well debated and researched on when it was introduced in the early 2000s. It received FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) in 2002 for treating moderate fine lines and wrinkles on the face between the eyebrows. However, certain risks associated with Botox are as follows: allergies, rashes, unusual swelling of skin and even potential asthma.