
A skin disease related to the immune system, psoriasis causes the skin cells to multiply at a very fast rate. This causes the skin to develop scaly reddish rashes. This disease is not contagious, but it can be hereditary. Psoriasis occurs most commonly on the elbows, scalp, knees or lower back.

This disease affects people in adulthood. It can heal and then reappear later as well. It is a chronic ailment and can stay for years together, or even for life. The affected areas appear as reddish, dry rashes which are irritable and itchy.

Psoriasis is associated with other diseases like anxiety, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and inflammatory heart problems. External triggers like stress, injury, alcohol and interaction wit other medications can also cause this disease. Two main factors are the major causes of psoriasis:

  • Internal immunity- Caused due to autoimmune disorders, psoriasis leads to the immune system attacking itself. When there is an external invasion the body’s WBCs protect the body from its harmful effects. A psoriasis patient’s internal cells go into overdrive and multiply cell production to such an extent that reddish rashes appear over the skin.
  • Genetics- Psoriasis can be inherited from the family. The probability of having the disease increases in case someone in the immediate family also suffers from the same condition.
  • Dry cracking skin
  • Skin prone to bleeding
  • Itchy scaly growth on the skin
  • Thick nails
  • Reddish and inflamed skin tissue
  • Joint pain

There is no permanent cure for psoriasis. Options for treatment aim to reduce the irritation and itchiness of the affected skin and decrease the rate of growth of immune system cells.

  • To lessen pain from the rashes of psoriasis various ointments are available in the market. Key ingredients include: salicylic acid, moisturizer, corticosteroids, retinoids and vitamin D extracts.
  • Exposure to UVA or UVB light rays can help reduce the effect of psoriasis. These sunrays help to control the immune system cells from multiplying at a fast rate.
  • It is also advisable to adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle to avoid triggering psoriasis. Certain foods and alcohol are best avoided to prevent the development of psoriasis.



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